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Tzdb update

Updating the timezone database

The timezone information is coming from 2 repositories: - eggert/tz: Contains the IANA rules and prepares releases for each IANA release. We have this repo submodule'd and configure the files via CMake. - evansiroky/timezone-boundary-builder: Contains the geometries of IANA timezones, mostly sourced from OSM. Releases comprise the shapefile which we use to build our timezone SQLite database.

Updating the timezone information regularly is paramount to keep up with: - renamed/merged timezones, which implicitly deprecates (but still preserves) old timezones - geometry changes of timezones - entirely new timezones which are carved out due to local/regional DST changes - DST changes of existing timezones

DST changes are the most important reason to update regularly.

Update process

  1. Update the tz submodule
    git -C third_party/tz checkout <release_tag>
  2. Update scripts/valhalla_build_timezones to download the latest release
  3. Run datetime test. If any timezones were merged/renamed, it'll fail with a pretty-print of new/old elements for copy/pasting convenience. However, if entirely new timezones were added, there's more manual work:
  4. identify which timezone the new one is carved out of (look into the submoduled tz repo's NEWS)
  5. if the parent timezone has an ID < 387, it just needs a bit shift of the parent timezone
  6. if the parent timezone is itself a previously added new timezone, one might add another field to NodeInfo; follow the instructions in baldr/nodeinfo.h/cc
  7. Sanity check step 3! Both looking at the release notes of the IANA data and adding test cases.

Important notes

  • The 2 repos we source our information from are not always in-sync. If there's a IANA release being skipped in the boundary builder project, it usually means that nothing changed wrt geometries. However, you'll need to verify that.
  • Regarding data compatibility:
    • new code/old data: the algorithms can ask for nodes' timezone indices of potentially deprecated timezones (old tile data), and it'll receive the new timezone information, which is not a problem
    • old code/new data: for entirely new timezones, the new data has an additional field in NodeInfo which tells new code that it's a new timezone, while old code continues to see the new timezone's parent.